
Saturday 12 August 2017

Thai Minced Pork Rice

Thai dish comin'up!....

I love Thai foods for it's filled with aromatic herbs and spices. If you love chilli dishes, you got to try this recipe. It gives you the depth of flavor and makes the food tastes richer on the palate. I admire Thai cuisine because they use fresh herbs and spices which are healthier, taking its full nutrient content than the ones sold in the market that were processed, dried or ground that already loses its nutritional value. Interestingly, most Thai dishes are aromatic and spicy which means herbs and spices are thier main food flavoring to improve and enhance the taste. Good things are, chillies improve digestion and herbs and spices have anti-bacterial and antiviral properties, it also contains disease fighting antioxidant.

So I'm excited to share with you this Thai recipe I've learned recently. This recipe cooks only up to 30 minutes including preparations. Quick, simple and easy!


300g ground pork

2 large Thai chillies, cut into thin rings (add more chillies if you want it to be hot but this quantity is mild spicy)

2 cloves minced garlic

1 pc shallot, minced

handful of fresh basil leaves

2 pcs eggs fried or sunny side (see photo above)

Seasonings: (mix well)

1 teaspoon oyster sauce

1 teaspoon fish sauce (patis)

1 tbsp sweet soy sauce/ketchap manis

Note: the quantities of ingredients depend on how many people eat, basically this recipe is for 2 people...adjust when needed) PROCEDURE:

1. Saute galic and shallot. Add the minced pork and cook until turned brown.

2. Add the mixed seasonings. Pour a little water,just enough to cook the minced pork. Simmer until the water reduced.

3. Add the chilli and cook for 2 minutes.

4. Sprinkle fresh basil leaves, stir and serve with steamed rice and the sunny side egg on top. Bon apetit' yummy!

Happy cooking, take care and I love you all!

Friday 28 July 2017


Hey guys, welcome to the world of food! our recipe today is Meditteranean cuisine.

Minced meat, ground meat?... we can cook almost everything with ground or minced meat. It is a very convenient and easy for cooking dishes because of its versatility. That's why in Australia, minced or ground meat are their favorite meat cut.

It is use to cook for lasagne,bolognese,meatloaf,patties,kebabs and etc. Meditteranean cuisine especially Greek, ground beef and ground lamb are the most popular among their dishes, containing 70% lean meat and 30% fat. What I like about their ground meat recipe is that, herbs are always present to enhance more flavor and delightful aroma which is also beneficial to health.

Here's another recipe from my world of experimentation...


500g minced beef, seasoned with dash of pepper and salt

2 pcs big potatoes, cut into cubes

2 big tomatoes, chopped

1/2 white onion, chopped

a handful of fresh basil leaves

2 cloves garlic, crushed

half bottle of marinara sauce, approx. 400ml

salt and pepper to taste

To watch actual video :


1. Saute garlic and onions until golden brown. Add minced beef and cook until it turns brown.

2. Add potatoes and tomatoes then stir to mix well. Then pour marinara sauce and add generous amount of water. Cover and simmer for about 20 mins. stirring occassionally to avoid sticking to the pot

3. When it's done, season with salt and ground black pepper. Turn off heat and add fresh basil leaves.

4. Stir and serve hot. Yeild 4-6 servings.

That was fantastic! I've always offer simple and easy recipe for you. Try it out my fellow helpers, Your employers will surely love it. Bon apetit!

Thank you and take care, I love you all!

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Hong Kong Style Pork Chop Recipe

Hey guys, It's Hong Kong style recipe today!

Here is a twist to a regular Chinese pork chop recipe that I experimentally added potatoes on it. The subtle savour is similar to the regular recipe except that potatoes were added to it which give more delish 'til the last piece of the dish.

My employers rarely eat rice so I find a way to add healthy carbs on their meal so I add potatoes which serve as healthy carbohydrates, a paleo diet. For people who seldom eat rice, I suggest rootcrops are the best substitute for healthier way. According to my research, eating over a cup of cooked rice daily has a high risk of diabetes especially when we get older and our digestive system can not properly breaksdown food into energy thus, making your blood sugar rise up. Read . Problem in most Asian's typical daily rice intake which is more than a cup per meal for 2 to 3x day.

Anyway, moving on to my recipe... here are the INGREDIENTS:

2 big pcs of porkchops

4 small size potatoes,peeled and sliced

2 pcs tomatoes, chopped or quartered

1/2 white onions, slice into big chunks

3-4 tbsp tomato ketchup/sauce

2 cloves minced garlic

1/2 tsp brown sugar

pork chop marinade:

1 tbsp light soy sauce

pinch of salt

dash of white pepper

1/2 tsp chinese cooking wine

1 tsp sesame oil

1 tsp cornstarch

To watch the actual video:


1. Pound and tenderize the meat then mariate with the seasonings I listed above for about 10 minutes.

2. Pan fry the marinated pork chops until golden brown. Take out from the pan and slice thinly then set aside.

3. With the same pan, saute' garlic until aroma comes out. Add the onions and continue sauteeing in a minute then add potatoes. Cover and stir occassionally. When the potatoes are tender, add tomatoes and cook for few minutes more.

4. Lastly, add the sliced porkchops then give more flavor using tge tomato ketchup/sauce. When you find it sour, add a little bit of brown sugar. Most chinese doesn't want this recipe to be sour.

5. Serve hot and enjoy the paleo diet... Yield 3-4 servings

How easy was that? To my fellow Filipinas out there working on a Chinese family, serve this to your employers and I'm surely they will love it. Take care and I love you all!

Monday 10 July 2017

FANTASTIC FISH PIE (inspired by Jamie Oliver)

Great day everyone! I'm being inspired today, guess what? hmmm yummy!

Baking a dish is one of my favorite cooking method at the moment. I grew up in a poor family and we couldn't afford to buy stuffs for baking particularly oven so learning to bake is a tough job for me even for simple dishes. But then, I urge myself to learn different ways of cooking other than usual cooking which I learned from my mom; a good passion to pass on to my kids.

Today's recipe is a fantastic fish pie inspired by Jamie Oliver, one of my favorite chef for his simple yet savoury recipes, always quick and easy to learn. My employers are British-Chinese family and so some Western recipe ingredients are always on the cupboards so I just bought the main ingredients like fish and some sort of vegetables.

Here's how I made...


300g cod or haddock fish (cut into cubes and season with salt and pepper

200 ml double cream

300g potatoes (peeled,boiled and mashed with 2 tbsp of butter. Season with salt and pepper. Add a dash of ground nutmeg-optional)

1/2 chopped onions

1 pc. carrot (cut into cubes)

a handful of brocolli florets

1 boiled egg (chopped)

1 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp grated parmesan or matured cheese

1 tsp yellow mustard


1. Saute' onions until golden brown, add carrots, and cook for 5 mins.

2. Pour the double cream, turn off heat and add lemon juice, yellow mustard and cheese. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Transfer to a small baking dish. Arrange the fish, brocolli florets and chopped egg.

4. Spread the mashed potato on top until all ingredients are covered. Bake at 180°C for 20 mins.

Note: keep the mashed potatoes warm or hot because it is easier to spread than cold.

yeild : 2-3 servings

Thank you so much guys, Bake for your family now...Take care and I love you all!

Monday 3 July 2017

Beef Tongue with Sarsa

Hey, wazzz up my fellow food lovers? Are you thinking of what's going to serve on your table today?

Check this out!

Personally, I don't want complicated food which took me hours to prepare from slicing to cooking process. I love everything in frugal way: expenditure,time,energy and effort.

"frugality isn't being cheap

but is concerned about value and savy"

Let's get started..


1 whole beef tongue (perhaps you can use pig's tongue, you can try

2 pcs carrots

4 stalks celery

1/2 white onion

2 cloves minced garlic

1 cup tomato sauce

2 to 3 tablespoon flour

salt and pepper to taste

*to boil the beef tongue and helps taking away the strong smell...

3 pcs bay/ laurel leaves

1 tsp whole black pepper

2 tsp salt


1. Put the water in the pot, just enough to cover the beef tongue. Cut the tongue into half. Put the laurel/bay leaves, whole black pepper and salt. Boil for an hour in a slow fire or use pressure cooker for 30 minutes.

2. While the tongue is boiling, divide the quantity of carrots, celery and onions except the minced garlic. Mince the half portion of the vegetables and the other portion will be cubes or chunks.

3. Take out the beef tongue from the pot, rinse with water to remove excess fat. Let it cool down before peeling the hard skin. Trim off any fats or gristles. Cut into slices or your desired pieces.

* do not throw the beef soup.

4. Saute minced garlic and minced onions until golden brown, then add the minced carrots and celery. Continue sauteeing in few minutes then sprinkle with flour and mix well. Add about 4 cups of beef tongue soup and tomato sauce then simmer under low fire for 15 minutes stirring constantly to avoid sticking to the pot.

5. When the liquid sauce reduced, add the carrots, onion and celery chunks and cook until tender.

6. Finally, add the beef tongue slices and continue stirring to coat each slices. Serve hot.

Bon apetit! Enjoy...


Thank you so much and stay connected!

I love you all and take care.

Filipino suggested Ideas:

* Serve as "pulotan" during jamming session.

* Can be added to your menu in your eatery business

* Frugal recipe to serve during parties

Thursday 29 June 2017


Hello world, Let's rock 'n roll to the kitchen... quick and easy recipe today, comin' up!

No oven? no worries, your rice cooker will take care of you. Are you a cake lover but you don't have the equipment especially when we say cake, we literally need an oven, right? Besides that, you love to eat but you feel sluggish to prepare a lot of things before you could eat what you crave for? We all want easiest things, aren't we?πŸ˜‚. Of course, some of us experience that moment of laziness and so I promise you that I will make my instructions super easy and quick.Take your rice cooker and here we go!

Actually, I adapted this recipe at and I tried it personally and voila!... hmmmm yummmyy😁. It's now time to boost up your energy to go get the ingredients and start making now.

Before we start, let me ask you to prepare three (3) big bowls for the dry ingredients, wet ingredients and grated carrots. This way, you can easily combine one bowl to another, a technique that I discovered to make the procedure more quick and easy.

Let's do it Sweeties...


bowl 1: dry mixture(mix well)

2 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda (if this isn't available you can double the amount of baking powder)

1 tbsp vanilla essence/extract

1 tbsp cinnamon powder (optional)

1/2 tsp salt

bowl 2: wet mixture (mix thoroughly until all are incorporated)

3 pcs large eggs

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup olive oil (any oil will do but preferably use olive oil because it is healthier)

bowl 3:

3 cups grated carrots

note: Use the medium holes of the grater because the fine holes extract too much juice from the carrot and the mixture will be too watery.


1. Combine bowl 1 to bowl 2 and mix well until no lumps remain.

2. Add bowl 3, the grated carrots.

3. Set up your rice cooker, brush oil to the surface of the pot to avoid the cake sticking to it. Put the cake mixture to the pot and press down the cooking tab. Standard rice cooker or Digital rice cooker will do

There you go, you can sit back and relax! Wait until the rice cooker tab comes up or digital rice cooker beeps and check if it is cook. Insert toothpick or fork at the center of the cake and you know it is done when it comes out clean. If it isn't cook yet, press the tab again and wait for few minutes 'til done.

Coffee time!!!...

See? I just prepared the ingredients for about 15 minutes and threw them in the rice cooker. What's really cool about this recipe is that, you can encourage your kids to make. I'm sure they will love and when they master it, they will bake without even told. A 7 year old kid can do this, trust me! just be patient to guide your child in your kitchen and bravo! A super hero Mommy...


You want to bake it over and over again? Take some time to measure the dry mixture, put them in containers or ziploc bags and store so that each time you make this recipe, you can just add the wet ingredients and grated carrots. It will save you more time and effort. Clever!


· A quick recipe to make during party

. You can also sell, home-made business

. A gift for a friend or relatives

Thank you so much for reading!...More quick and easy recipes soon, stay connected!!! This is Gisa your friend, saying I love you all and take care...

Wednesday 28 June 2017


Hello mga kapuso, kapamilya, mga kapatid... welcome to my blog!

This is my first ever blog and I'm so happy & excited to share with you my cooking experiment today. Ano pong naiisip ninyo when you say curry? Typical Filipino curry ay yung may patatas, carrots, at bellpeppers di ba? what if some of the ingredients aren't available and you're too lazy to go to the market para mamili ng kakailanganin sa pagluluto o wala na kayong oras para mamalengke?

So now I wanted to share kung ano ang nadiskubre at na-expirement ko dahil wala ang ibang ingredients pero ibang gulay naman ang available. This complements better than carrots or bellpeppers, I assure you that. And guys, sa mga hindi pa nakakaalam na pwede palang lagyan ng peanut butter ang curry naku! lasap sarap talaga. Similar to the kare-kare, The texture is creamy and it adds more flavor to your curry dish. To add peanut butter, please remember that we all have different tastebuds and so I recommend you to add bit by bit until you reach your desired taste. It applies to all seasonings, herbs and spices when you cook the recipe that is new to you. It is not necessarily follow the quantity or amount listed on the recipe, ang importante ay sundin kung anu-ano yung mga ingredients at seasonings, spices, herbs pero yung amount ay nakadepende sa inyong panlasa, pwedeng dagdahan o bawasan. So, the amount or quantity of seasonings and spices listed on my recipe is based on my own taste and when you try my recipe, please follow your own tasting.

Hinain ko na eto sa mga amo ko at wala akong narinig kundi purely compliments dahil nasarapan sila sa luto ko yeheyyyy!!! Kaya nakakaganang magluto kapag ang kakain ay talaga namang ninanamnam ang inyong luto. Cook food with all your heart para masarap lagi ang inyong niluluto. Sa mga may amo, subokan din ninyo ito, malay ninyo baka may tip pa kayo, chaaaarrr!!!

Luto na tayo mga darlings...😊😊😊


1/2 kilo chicken - cut into pieces

1 to 2 big pcs potataoes - cut into cubes

1/4 kilo okra - cut into halves

15 pcs cherry tomatoes - chopped 5 pcs for sauteeing and leave 10 pcs whole/unchopped

250 ml coconut milk

1 tsp peanut butter

herbs and spices:

2 cloves garlic- minced

1 thumbsize ginger- minced

1/2 tsp turmeric powder (optional)

2 tbsp curry powder

salt and pepper to taste

1 tbsp soy sauce or patis (optional)


Tip- always prepare all things that you need before cooking, para madali at walang makakalimutang ilagay.

1. Marinate your chicken with salt and pepper plus sprinkle some curry powder for 10 mins para manuot ang lasa.

2. Igisa ang bawang, sibuyas, luya at chopped tomatoes, add your chicken and pan fry for about 5 mins.

3. Isama ang potatoes at lutoin ng limang minuto. Don't worry kung hindi pa luto ang karne at patatas dahil you will simmer for additional time. Ang importante ay golden brown ang kulay ng karne at patatas para mas lalong appetizing na tingnan.

4. Add the coconut milk, peanut butter, curry powder, turmeric powder at salt and pepper to taste. Simmer until cooked and until you reach your desired consistency of the creamy sauce. If you find it dry, add generous amount of water.

5. Finally, add your veggies... the okra and whole cherry tomatoes and cook until tender. Please do not overcook, it will only take up to 5 mins. Add the soy sauce or patis para sa karagdagang lasa.

That's it mga kapatid. simple lang pero rock, happy cooking😘 Maraming salamat po! Create something new today... God bless!

PS: If you already tried this recipe, let me know in the comment section below. And if you have any ideas or suggestion please email me at I would be happy to hear from you guys.😊

Thursday 22 June 2017

About ofwbacktopinasforgood Igorot/Ilocano

Hi, I am Gisa Florague (OfwBackToPinasForGood Igorot/Ilocano),
a newbie blogger na gustong i-share kung ano ang mga natutunan ko sa pagsabak bilang katulong dito sa ibang bansa. Mga ideas, cooking, pagtitipid and many more that I would like to share with.

Recently, natutunan kong gumawa ng blog and I hope you guys help me build more confident to blog what's my passion by sharing in your social media accounts kung nagustohan ninyo ang isa sa mga iboblog ko. That means a lot to me dahil sa paraang iyon ay alam ko pong nakakatulong ako sa mga readers sa pamamagitan ng content ng aking blog. Enjoy reading and join me to my blogging journey.
Thank you so much in advance!

And if you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to comment in the comment section or reach me at my facebook page or email me at
And please subscribe to my youtube channel . All my youtube videos that I uploaded were just testing videos but I will do my best to upload informative videos in the future seriously.

The above statement is brought to you by OfwBackToPinasForGood Igorot/Ilocano who enjoys sharing good things,thoughts,ideas, and some informations to help people to the best of my knowledge. For more info please see the about OfwBackToPinasForGood Igorot/Ilocano page.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Hello po ka-OFWs

hi 😊... I am an OFW who's now decided to go back home for good, 2 months from now.  Pretty much excited to be with my munchkins finally and for my sick Tatay.  I've come to realized that money can be earned in any places wherever you are even in your own hometown as long as you have courage, smart thinking on a family budget, get your mind preoccupied with business ideas if we can't find job and most of all, CONTENTMENT OF WHAT WE HAVE,  because working abroad isn't always the answer for financial insuffiency of the family. There are always ways and options to provide living for our family. The more years we are here abroad the more we want this and that, forgetting that we also need to be with our family before it's too late. Our children's future is always on our top lists that's why we sacrifice to leave them and find a way better to uplift our living and provide for our family needs but it shouln't be that long years to the point where we aren't with them for the rest of thier childhood 'til they get married and even having grandchildren yet we are still working for our bosses instead of taking care of our own family. Our presence as parents or mother is very crucial in their younger stage of life.  Life is too short, by the time our children got married, we can't control them anymore, we can't have that bondings compared to when they were still young, hugging, cuddling, giggling, and all those sweet kiddy moments. Poor are we mothers if we don't experience the real meaning of motherhood to our dear children. All the memoirs of a mother to children bondings are such treasure for them to keep in thier hearts by the time we are not in this world any longer. The true legacy that we left to our children. These are the things which made up my mind & so now I'm giving up the "dollar thing" to have my kids by my side and witness the stages as they get through adulthood, having bondings together before they get into marriage and have their own life or own family. 

The regrets of most fellow Filipino moms who left their children for so long, giving them financial concerns and most of the time it is lavishly giving what the children asked for  materially but at the end the kids developed strange behaviours due to lacked of  mother's guidance. As a mother I do not want this to happen if posible so atleast I thank God for having this chance to be with my kids/family again because I thought I would be working abroad for long or even until I get old to continuously give support to my beloved family,financially. I think it's too much afflicting my kid's heart and our relationship is at stake due to my absence as their mom. And so at this point, I realized that this is the real happiness I am longing for, I would never face regrets of taking care of my children/ family when I get old. Power on mothers!!!