
Monday 3 July 2017

Beef Tongue with Sarsa

Hey, wazzz up my fellow food lovers? Are you thinking of what's going to serve on your table today?

Check this out!

Personally, I don't want complicated food which took me hours to prepare from slicing to cooking process. I love everything in frugal way: expenditure,time,energy and effort.

"frugality isn't being cheap

but is concerned about value and savy"

Let's get started..


1 whole beef tongue (perhaps you can use pig's tongue, you can try

2 pcs carrots

4 stalks celery

1/2 white onion

2 cloves minced garlic

1 cup tomato sauce

2 to 3 tablespoon flour

salt and pepper to taste

*to boil the beef tongue and helps taking away the strong smell...

3 pcs bay/ laurel leaves

1 tsp whole black pepper

2 tsp salt


1. Put the water in the pot, just enough to cover the beef tongue. Cut the tongue into half. Put the laurel/bay leaves, whole black pepper and salt. Boil for an hour in a slow fire or use pressure cooker for 30 minutes.

2. While the tongue is boiling, divide the quantity of carrots, celery and onions except the minced garlic. Mince the half portion of the vegetables and the other portion will be cubes or chunks.

3. Take out the beef tongue from the pot, rinse with water to remove excess fat. Let it cool down before peeling the hard skin. Trim off any fats or gristles. Cut into slices or your desired pieces.

* do not throw the beef soup.

4. Saute minced garlic and minced onions until golden brown, then add the minced carrots and celery. Continue sauteeing in few minutes then sprinkle with flour and mix well. Add about 4 cups of beef tongue soup and tomato sauce then simmer under low fire for 15 minutes stirring constantly to avoid sticking to the pot.

5. When the liquid sauce reduced, add the carrots, onion and celery chunks and cook until tender.

6. Finally, add the beef tongue slices and continue stirring to coat each slices. Serve hot.

Bon apetit! Enjoy...


Thank you so much and stay connected!

I love you all and take care.

Filipino suggested Ideas:

* Serve as "pulotan" during jamming session.

* Can be added to your menu in your eatery business

* Frugal recipe to serve during parties

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